Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Things Change and So Do People Chapter 6

Hello hello hello! It's been a while since I've updated Things Change and So Do People! Here it is again!! The enemy herd should make an appearence soon and then I'll update on the code character list! Enjoy chapter 6!

The moon was a silvery sheet of silk in the starry sky. The fire was violent and alive, almost violent. Jesse knew how to build a fire. Before her mom died she went to camp with her where she took a wilderness course. Everything felt invincible then...now it seemed it was falling apart.
Suddenly, she knew why her dad was the way he was. He loved, lost, and couldn't fill the hole inside. The pieces of the puzzle were forming a big, jagged picture. She knew.
"Your father seems to mean well. He just seems lost, unknowing of what to do."
"I know."
Tears streamed down her heated face. The guilt came, following with muffled sobs.
"I can't believe I left him! I should've known to ignore it! I mean, I don't know what it's like to lose someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with! How selfish is that?!"
She whimpered. She cried...she screamed, unable to hold back the hurt.
"You didn't do the right thing, but..." Tarrzar replied," you didn't do the wrong thing either. You shouldn't have ignored your feelings about his problems. You've lost someone you loved, too."
Jesse starred. She stood and smiled. Then, she ran into Tarrzar's deep, brown fur, burying her face in it.
"Can I stay with you?"
No answer...
"Are you my friend?"
That night, Jesse slept peacefully, covered with fur the friends slept till morning.

Hope you liked it! Comment!


  1. OMG!!! love it u are soooo good wish i could write that good!

  2. you DO write good popcorn! and thank you soooooo much for commenting!!!

  3. hahaha (: i'm not a nerd! i need more comments...i wonder if mrs t has read the email i sent her...ya know the first 5 chapters

  4. you are so good at writing..
    *tear* hahaha

  5. hahaha you think so? i just write what comes to my mind and edit

